Any debt collection or credit reference agency or similar provider of debt collection or credit information services to us; 任何债务或信用谘询代理或向我们提供债务或信用资讯服务之类似供应商;
To set up and perfect our private credit system, we should using the successful experiences of private credit system in developed country for reference, strengthen credit legislations, develop efficient credit agency, establish credit publicity system and guarding mechanism for credit venture. 我国个人信用制度的建立和完善要合理借鉴发达国家个人信用制度的成功经验,建立、健全信用立法,发展独立高效的信用中介机构,并建立完善的信用公示制度和信用风险防范机制。
The second part of the thesis investigates the law regulation on credit agency in foreign countries and gets beneficial suggestion to our country's law regulation on credit agency, which provides reference to our country's law regulation on credit agency. 本文第二部分通过对国外征信机构法律规制的考察,得出对我国征信机构法律规制的有益启示,为征信机构法律规制提供了参考和借鉴。